Januari 22, 2013

what makes you feel superior over another?

Remember, no-one is perfect!
What gives you the right to feel superior over another, just because you are perhaps thinner, or more athletic? It would be more fitting if you endeavored to reach out to others with whatever help you can give. If you cannot help in some way, turn in the other direction, rather than criticising, or making rude comments. Give others the respect they deserve as human beings.
I think most of us have experienced some form of discrimination at one time or another. You may have found yourself on the receiving end of unkind comments about your looks, your clothes, your religion, or your job, etc. If certain individuals are treating you bad because of your weight, THEY SIMPLY AREN’T WORTH WORRYING ABOUT. PEOPLE LIKE THIS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS, NOR SHOULD YOU WANT THEM TO BE, and even if you were slimmer they’d still be nasty.
While being overweight may really get you down at times, do try to remain positive. Remember, you cannot fix other people or their crummy attitudes… fat people or thin ones. So, choose to be happy and healthy for you, not others. Remember, prejudice is driven by ignorance, YOU DON’T NEED TO BOW TO THAT KIND OF PERSON!

Credit : http://www.dietriffic.com/2009/05/19/weight-prejudice/

Januari 10, 2013

family gathering

On 6th January, 2013 we had family gathering at Sawa Resto, Sleman, Yogyakarta. It was so nice because it’s like Aidil Fitri. Hahah. This resto was cozy, had a fresh breeze (yap because it located beside the sawah)  I like the foods, sooo delicious!! my cousins is a chef, and personally he cooked it for us.. he had some assisstants chef helping him. But, because I was too busy playing around with Icha *my super duper awesome niece* so I forgot to take a pictures about the menus. Trust me, the foods so yummie, we had shrimps, squid crispy, oseng daging lada hitam, cap cay, gurame crispy, and soup.

What a nice day! I hope we can have family gathering again next time.. ^^

-with my awesome sister- oh no, with my famous sister --"

Januari 09, 2013

inspirit, ailee, SPICA

Hai 2013, ya elah, I am toooo late ____ ____” haaaah, anyway, goodbye 2012.
Firstly, so many wishes in this year. I hope I can do much better in this year, make up my mind clearly, have a broad mind, a positive mind in this entire year.
Anyway.. sebelum bahas apa aja yang baru di 2013, let’s see apa aja yang udah terjadi di 2012.. Tahun ini tu what a great year deh! Kenapa gitu? Banyaak banget  musik keren yang lahir di tahun ini. Susah banget buat bahas satu per satu, yang ada ntar jadi kayak koran. so, I picked the top 3 for 2012. new fangirl's story, Ailee, and Spica.
Sincerely, I have to make an apologize to Infinite because I had made unfair judgmental about them. Yeeep, I was wrong! I just recognized their amazing skills this year. Omaigat, aku kemana aja?? ___ ___” awalnya gara – gara si nekkohaja itu di Gayo Daejun 2011, they successfully wow-ing me lah waktu itu. trus lama kelamaan kesetrum trus merembet merembet deh ke lagu yang lain. Dan akhirnya, beginilah saya, totally become Inspirit. Infinitize keren banget. ‘The chaser is infinite’, kata si L. Hahah. You right, boy! This song is really stunning.
There were soooo many rookies made their debut in 2012. Actually.. udah nggak pengen ngikutin tuh grup grup baru karena yaaa... mulai nggak sanggup ngikutin perkembangannya. Tapi yaa, tetep aja... beberapa rookies ini sanggup mencuri perhatian dan menggoyah pendirian, Haaah! Aille, Lee Hi, EXO, SPICA. Buat Ailee, ceritanya beda, feel nya tu kaya nggak liat rookie kalo Ailee perform. Apalagi perform nya di Immortal Songs 2, gilaaaa, keren keren banget!! She is brilliant singer, she has powerfull yet gracefully beautiful voice.
EXO itu, aku nggak ngerti dimana salahnya, awalnya woow keren banget, tapi udah berhenti aja sampe disitu. Kalo mereka perform, lebih suka liat wajah wajah mereka ketimbang lagunya. Sorry, MAMA itu lagu yang aneh banget buat aku, bagus pertama kali denger, tapi abis itu.. ya udah, balik aja gitu jadi biasa banget. But, I admitted, they have awesome talents. Kalo aja mereka dapet lagu bagus, pasti bisa lebiiih lagi, so please SM, don’t be stubborn!
Yang ini agak geje.. hahah. Entah kenapa, tiba tiba tertarik banget buat ngikutin girl band baru ini. Yeep, SPICA.. ah, nuguya? Jadi, mereka adalah grup yang ketenye sih dimentori ma Lee Hyori gitu.. debut mereka tahun 2012 ini menurutku best of the best di kategori girlgroup. Russian Roulette is flawless. It does everything that a good debut track is supposed to do: establish an identity and prove their talent. Their vocal performances are a welcome breeze of fresh air. Their voices are rich, powerful, and – as expected – confident.  Their 2nd song was Painkiller, awesome ballad, kereeeen banget. 2013 will be soooo much more interesting to watch them grow into seasoned, established vocalists in the future. Let’s see, from this January, many idols will make their comeback. Duduk maniis dan enjoy their brand new music y^^y