Januari 22, 2013

what makes you feel superior over another?

Remember, no-one is perfect!
What gives you the right to feel superior over another, just because you are perhaps thinner, or more athletic? It would be more fitting if you endeavored to reach out to others with whatever help you can give. If you cannot help in some way, turn in the other direction, rather than criticising, or making rude comments. Give others the respect they deserve as human beings.
I think most of us have experienced some form of discrimination at one time or another. You may have found yourself on the receiving end of unkind comments about your looks, your clothes, your religion, or your job, etc. If certain individuals are treating you bad because of your weight, THEY SIMPLY AREN’T WORTH WORRYING ABOUT. PEOPLE LIKE THIS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS, NOR SHOULD YOU WANT THEM TO BE, and even if you were slimmer they’d still be nasty.
While being overweight may really get you down at times, do try to remain positive. Remember, you cannot fix other people or their crummy attitudes… fat people or thin ones. So, choose to be happy and healthy for you, not others. Remember, prejudice is driven by ignorance, YOU DON’T NEED TO BOW TO THAT KIND OF PERSON!

Credit : http://www.dietriffic.com/2009/05/19/weight-prejudice/

5 komentar:

niineO.O mengatakan...

Hmmmm....sapa taa??
sabar taa,,ane juga paling sering dikatain soale muka timur dan rambut kribo, hiks2 T.T

eh kamu ngupload banyak kah taa?di dashbor banyak ki,,he2

primadika tita mengatakan...

nggak siapa siapa sih mbun..
yaaaa kan banyak yang kek gitu, sering lah ngadepin yang begituan.
kalo ku sebutin namanya ntar dianya terkenal mbun.. hahaha *g rela.

iya e mbun, tadi tu error gitu, trus aku nggak bisa nghapusnya gimana -_-;;

niineO.O mengatakan...

dulu aq mpe nangis taa, tp nek saiki mah hambok ben,haha. tapi nek lg bad mood mungkin tak jak gelut sisan yoo, haha *ra isin umur

kmrn ini aq jg taa, tp krn baru kusimpen di draft jd simpenannya banyak -___-
inet lemot ki njelehi

Dayinta Aditya mengatakan...

Ya ampuuunnn, kenapa kamu ta?
Ibu Bapak ku aja muji2 kamu terus!
Sama sih ta mbun, aku juga sampe sekarang sok nangis yen diaraki warna kulit, u know lah, i have a milky black skin.hahaha,
Tp kadang yo mikir, whatever! Emang tak pikir !

primadika tita mengatakan...

iyo i, pengen banget rasane ngejak gelut.. errr, iyo mbun, nyebahi banget nek pas udh mau di publish malah down, akhire kebanyakan peringatan error dan warning -___-#

g papa ta, tiba2 merasa sangat tidak adil diperlakukan kek gitu. haha. biasa, sensitif e lagi kambuh. haaah, wong koyo ngono mah rasah digagas cenan, tp kadang terlalu eh. hzzt.

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