November 29, 2012

random part 01

Hey hey hey..  uri ow-som chinguya.. Actually I want to make a random  English story about something that disrupt my mind or about what’s happening nowadays, but still, I don’t know what I have to do. Haha.
I have never use English in my daily life. I only write in English when I was in junior and senior high school. Yeppa, of course, it was because of English lesson ^^. My understanding about writing is really horrible.. I don’t understand about grammar, tenses and so on. So,  I don’t dare to make an article or just random paragraph in English. But, aaah... I have to try to increase my writing skills! Although it must be looks weird and weirder if you read my paragraph, hahaha, please forgive me for being completely random y^o^y 

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